New/Old translated interviews with Robert Pattinson (Tu, Star Club & Cannes)
We got 3 translated interviews for you guys and you know how those go so rub your temples and enjoy :)
UPDATE: Adding another translated interview, Star Club magazine (French)
RP: I learned to put things into perspective, that the circus surrounding an actor's life is fleeting. You can be worshipped one day and hated the next. For now, the craze around Twilight is still there but I'm not naive, a few months after the last movie is out, people will have moved on. Our replacement is already here. I'm thinking mostly about The Hunger Games actors.
In the end, you're still happy to have played Edward, right?
Rob: Yes, he's an extension of myself, like a good friend. He helped me learn more about myself and I will be eternally grateful. I grew up though and if tomorrow Stephenie Meyer writes a sequel to Twilight, I'd gladly read it. I don't think people would like me reprising the role. I'd be too old to play him again.
What was your life like before your success?
Rob: I had a hard time finding roles. It's simple, for three years I found nothing but small productions that payed around $40 a day. Just between you and me, I was seconds away from giving up so when I was offered the role of Edward I couldn't believe it.
You didn't see yourself in the role of a vampire?
Rob: I didn't have a choice, I was broke! Nobody believed in me except for Catherine Hardwicke (editor's note: the director) who sort of had to force the producer's hands a little. In the end, this role helped me improve my everyday life and my life style. On the other hand, I lost what I cherished the most: my freedom. Some told me that it's the price for success. I'm sorry to disagree but I feel like it's a price too high to pay.
So did you view the end of the filming as freeing?
Rob: It's strange, I felt like releasing a big 'phew' of relief but at the same time I felt sad. For now, I know that I'm successful. Will it last? I have no idea, but if tomorrow I encounter movie failures, I won't cry about it.
Let's go back to your teenage years. I'd like to know in what kind of state of mind you were the day before the start of a new school year...
Rob: If you're looking for the speech of a the kid who was at the top of the class, you're not gonna get that from me. I wasn't a bad student either. When I was fifteen, I was a boy who was disciplined, who would learn all his lessons and pay attention in class until the day I started reading. I thought I learned more from life by reading than at school. I'm pretty please by the way that I indirectly influenced young people to take pleasure in reading. Indeed Twilight helped a whole generation to love reading about a love story as captivating as it was fascinating.
The big question! If you were to become a dad tomorrow, would you prefer to have a girl or a boy first?
Rob: I think that I'd have a better understanding with a boy. Girls are hard to understand. The instruction manual that comes with them is 800 pages long and written in Chinese! And if you know how to read it, you realise that you're still missing 32 more chapters that are essential and you have to improvise. Whereas with a boy, it's easy. Sports, tv, a video game, a big bowl of ...., some Coke and he's happy *laughs*!
2 more interviews after the cut!
Translated from Tu Magazine:
Being a vampire has to be fun. What vampiric quality would you like to have?
Robert Pattinson: I think Edward is tired of being a vampire. The cons outweigh the advantages. You have extraordinary physical qualities but you can't do anything in your life. What good is having power if you can't use them and have to hide all the time? I think Carlisle liked it more, at least he studied languages and stuff, Edward doesn't even read (Laughs). The only thing Edward does in a hundred years is complain. What gives him pleasure is anything related to Bella, when she approves of him while being human he begins to accept what he is. And then she wants to be like a vampire; even she is more prepared to be a vampire.
What does it feels after so many years playing the same in-love vampire ?
RP: After doing the first three films, you get to a point where you understand the character the way in which you don't know where you end and where he starts. I spent so much time filming in Vancouver that I can say things like: "Edward wouldn't do that because I wouldn't." I haven't read the books since we made the second movie because I have that sensation of: "this is what he would do".
Edward choose a strong partner to accompany the rest of his life, do you like strong women?
RP: I was raised in a house full of women, who are all very strong... if you only have sisters and you are the smallest you'll always end in minority.
Now that is over. What are the little things you'll miss of the set of the Twilight Saga?
RP: There's a place to eat, shawarmas in Vancouver. It's incredibly good, it's something I'm going to miss, and the worst thing is that I don't even know where it is because, there was always other people who brought the food (laughs). Also breaded chicken strips in Hotel Room services(laughs).
Is it a relief for you that this has come to an end?
RP: To be honest, the filming of the final two films was very hard and very long, I had two hours of make-up everyday and I had to do it for eight months. After a while it becomes heavy. But, it's going to be hard not to go to Vancouver every year.
Do you get along with your co-stars?
RP: During the first and second film we spent so much time together, but after the third was made it become more complicated because there were always fans outside the hotel and stuff. But this people are the ones that I know in America the longest and I always see them... except Taylor (Lautner) because he lives on the outskirts of Los Angeles, and I have to drive a half hour to get to his home.
Mackenzie Foy plays the daughter of Edward and Bella and they told me she had a jar to put dollars every time someone said a bad word ...
RP: Swearing is something I do compulsively. I don't even realize I'm doing it. But, I never paid Mackenzie (laughs).
Have you kept any object from the movie?
RP: Kristen kept the wedding ring, but no one gave me anything. My ring is sure going to end in one of those Planet Hollywood restaurants. Maybe it's already to buy it on eBay (laughs).
Did you feel a lot responsibility for making this last film? Since all of the above have been very successful ...
RP: Twilight; despite being a massive success it still feels fairly alternative. There are not many things that are similar to it. Even the Hunger Games, which also has a girl protagonist, is not the same genre, despite having raised a lot of money on the opening weekend and are also a series of books for teens, is not the same as Twilight.
Are you a fan of The Hunger Games?
RP: I began to see the movie a couple of days ago and I haven't finished, but it's great. No resemblance at all to what I thought it was. Not exactly what I expected but it certainly is different. It's interesting. It's kind of fun that people promote it as the new Twilight, because it does not come close to what it is.
Five years back in time would you have liked to know something about how your life was going to be after Twilight?
RP: I was 21 when it all started and I was part of a group of friends that I still keep. They knew what I wanted to be. Making movies is fun, there is nothing in it that is difficult, their surroundings is what is crazy. There are multitudes in every projection and stuff, but you have to do see the fun part of all.
Do you like to read what the press writes about you?
RP: Yeah, but sometimes I look like a fool in this invent things. Some time ago I read in a magazine that I was getting married to Kristen. This explained how I had proposed marriage. Apparently I took her to a beach and we were both in flowing robes and I played a song on my guitar. I hope that if I had proposed to her like that she told me no (laughs). It's shameful, not only because they invented something but because it also made me look like the biggest idiot in the world (laughs). Why can they not invent that I proposed in a spaceship or something more fun?
What human quality you appreciate more after playing a vampire for so long?
RP: I kinow that there is only an amount of time for doing things, I don't like the idea of infinity. I have to have a reason to get up in the mornings. Maybe it's a little depressing to think about it that way but that's what I think.
Curious answer to ending our interview; considering Kristen told us almost the same thing when we made this question a while ago.
Translated from Greek newspaper, To Vima. Interview was conducted during Cannes by Giannis Zoumboulakis:
Blame it on the typecast of pale, out of this world vampire that accompanies him. I don't know what I expected from Robert attinson, but what I got up close was a totally grounded behavior, a warm smile (maybe little shy too), an inherent gentleness. Pattinson was at Cannes Film Festival for David Cronenberg's "Cosmopolis", a movie where he gave his most demanding performance, which he admitted didn't know how to handle at first.
He asks for mineral water. He is immediately asked about his prostate. It's not a random question - prostate is connected to Pattinson's part in "Cosmopolis". "I wish I knew" the actor says (after a while) when he realizes the reason he is asked this "anatomically indiscreet" question. "I have to have it examined. People say is very important - everybody talks about it. I never exactly understood what prostate is anyway" he comments.
Cronenberg's Twilight
When David Cronenberg sent Pattinson "Cosmopolis" script, the young actor was at the last days of filming Twilight's last movie, titled "Breaking Dawn Part 2", which premieres in Greece on November. "I read David's script and I'm not ashamed to say I didn't understand a thing, but I admit it was too cool, too scary and too weird." Pattinson called Cronenberg to tell him he wasn't ready to play the part - mostly because he couldn't understand what the part was about. "No problem" Cronenberg said "I don't really know what it is about. But it does seem juicy - doesn't it?" Pattinson was encouraged. "I thought that under these circumstances we could have a good start. So we decided to go through with it." Written by David Cronenberg himself "Cosmopolis" script is based on Don De Lilo's novel which has the same title and describes one day in the life of young multimillionaire Eric Packer(Pattinson) inside his huge white limo. All things start from Eric's wish to have a haircut at his old neighborhood barber shop. On his way there, he will stop many times at New York's hell, meet dozens of people and finally change the way he sees his life.
"Constantly hypnotized"
I asked Pattinson what was it he couldn't understand about the script "Look, I gave it to a few friends and people I know in order to read it and they all asked "What the hell is this thing?" I guess that somehow I made myself unable to understand it, because I hadn't realize that my acting would be based exactly there. Because my part Eric simply doesn't understand. He is in search of a new and better reality. So if you place yourself in a world where you understand nothing and everything seems alien, then you see it makes sense". Later on, during filming, Cronenberg was constantly stopping shooting whenever Pattinson attempted to act and pretend to understand what was going on. "David didn't want that. He wanted me constantly hypnotized."
I wonder whether Robert Pattinson ever felt like Eric Packer, who tries to avoid all things he considers crazy. Since Twilight movies catapulted him to stardom Robert Pattinson is hounded by the paparazzi and like any purebred star is unable to find peace. Has he ever felt the need to get away from all this? "It doesn't have to do with the world that surrounds you, but with the world inside you. You feel the need to get better and the catch is you might trap yourself. That's why I felt relieved to play in "Cosmopolis" - because I didn't have to think. Like I said I was hypnotized. "Cosmopolis" was a good therapy and I'm lucky this will continue. Many similar parts keep coming". I understand him. And I know he is telling the truth.
Star at first bite.
Robert Pattinson became overnight the emotional, brooding, introverted vampire who has the ability to steal hearts, as well as a pop icon for millions of teenagers worldwide. To be truthful cinema doesn't have an avant garde vampire like him. I was always wondering what happens after Pattinson/Cullen time though. Some believed that Pattinson through Edward Cullen became a symbol for today's rebelious young people. Many things have been written for the actor who was born on May 13 1986 in London, although he tries to be discreet about his life.
"Rolling Stone" gave him the title of the hottest actor in 2008. He was on the list of Breakout stars of Los Angeles Times and among Forbes 100 most powerful celebrities, as well as People's list of sexiest stars. "I always believed it is good to have the safety of a permanent job - another Twilight movie for example" Pattinson said. "I'm not so sure I feel the same now the series is ending. I don't know if safety is a good thing. When you have an all or nothing attitude in every thing you do, you have more chances of doing your job well and having fun at the same time. When you stop thinking about safety, many good things come". Or many bad things.
Months after Cannes, Kristen Stewart cheated on him (...). Pattinson didnt expose himself, merely allowed his deep sadness to show. Coincidentally the same period i met with him in Cannes, Stewart was there as well for On The Road.
"We went out last night and we are going out tonight as well. I cant wait. Some people say that the moment Kristen, me and Efron are at the same festival it has failed. Isn't that funny?" He laughs loudly. So happy and entertaining, so in love with his girlfriend. "She is amazing, ambitious ready to grasp life. She has an attitude she doesnt kiss people's asses, she is respected. I would die for Kristen. Yesterday i was watching her movie and felt so proud." He mentions he has been writing something so that they can work together again. Something very different."It will be difficult and it will have to be far ahead in the future because many people will not like it. But i do not care. I want her. She is mine".
Dali and vampire
I mention the title of a french newspaper about Pattinson, one day after "Cosmopolis" screening. "Pattinson was a star until now. From now on he is an actor". Pattinson laughs. He constantly laughs during the interview - he likes to laugh. "It's all a trick, right? When "Cosmopolis trailer came out, many immediately said I'm doing something different. How do you know man? Trailer only lasts 30 seconds and I don't even say a word. I'm not saying the trailer isn't cool, but how can you jump to that conclusion since we talk about acting?" Surely Pattinson doesn't live in his world. He knows very well how the game is played and how vulnerable famous people can be. "I understand when out of nowhere you become someone, you have to prove it, you have to earn it. You have to build it, by doing small or big things."
Isn't it ironic, maybe a bit paradox too - that thanks to Twilight, Cronenberg and many other directors found out about him? "It's part of the game too" the actor answers "They have to learn about you somehow. I had filmed a few movies before Twilight, but I'm not even sure I would still be an actor if Twilight success hadn't occurred. David (Cronenberg) claims he liked my acting when he saw me in "Little Ashes" (a movie where Pattinson portrayed Salvador Dali which wasn't distributed in Greece). I wasn't well paid before Twilight - 500 sterlines in four months. When I was filming "Little Ashes" I was completely broke. I was going to quit acting and look for another job. Then Twilight came."
"I managed to get fired!"
Edward Cullen was a lottery for the young Brit when he was cast at 22 having very few on his resume (most important part was Cedric Diggory at "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"). From the moment Twilight was out in late 2007, his fee has skyrocketed. His (mostly female) fans where and still are ready to do anything. Pattinson was expected to appear live in San Fransisco a few years ago. 500 fans were expected to attend, but 3.000 came, accidents occurred and the police came. A star was born.
Pattinson had a lot of misfortunes before that. He felt liberated when he was fired from the play "The Woman Before". "I managed to get fired! Cool! It was the best thing ever happened to me! I felt being such a rebel. I did it!" Today he reconsiders it. "It was a time when I didn't know what I was doing. I think I wasn't talking loud enough. Too many bullshit."
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